The Southern Cross of Honor

The Southern Cross of Honor was a medal presented to Veterans of the Confederate Service by the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC) following the war.  However, the medal originated as an authorized act of the Confederate Congress, approved October 13, 1862, for the grateful recognition of the valor of officers, non-commissioned officers and privates of the armies of the Confederate States, conspicuous for courage ang good conduct on the field of battle.  Due to wartime shortages the medals couldn’t be made but the men’s names were recorded in an Honor Roll preserved by the Adjutant and Inspector General’s records “for reference for all future time.”

The design of the Cross used by the UDC was created by Mr. Alexander S. Erwin who received the idea of bestowing the crosses in July 1898 while manufactured by Charles W. Crankshaw of Atlanta, GA. The design, a Confederate battle flag on the face, surrounded by a wreath of laurel, with the inscription “THE SOUTHERN CROSS OF HONOR.”  On the reverse was the motto of the Confederate States – “DEO VINDICE (God Our Vindicator) 1861-1865,” with the inscription “From the UDC to the UCV” (United Confederate Veterans). During the first 18 months of the cross’s existence, 12,500 were ordered from the jeweler and delivered.  By 1913, 78,761 had been delivered by the UDC.

The Southern Cross of Honor was awarded to Confederate Veterans (or their descendants in their absence), and the Crosses of Military Service awarded to veterans of America’s wars who are lineal descendants of Confederate Veterans are the most prized awards that are conferred by the UDC. As far as is known, the UDC is the only patriotic organization in America bestowing such awards.