by Roy Perry, Camp 1722
Photograph: History of Fredericksburg, Quinn
On January 3, 1844 a cornfield along the “new Turnpike” (William St.) consisting of 3 acres of land became available for sale. The next day, a group of nine men bankrolled by bookseller Edward McDowell purchased the land for $550.00. It was at this time the City Cemetery was born. This cemetery became the final resting place for the white citizens of Fredericksburg. Persons of color were interred in Potters field across the street, the present site of Maury Commons. “Forgotten in Plain Sight: The City Cemetery at the Head of Amelia Street” July 1, 2015: Historian John Hennessy
After the devasting War Between the States, a select group of ladies met and organized the Ladies Memorial Association, May 10, 1866. Their sole purpose was to purchase land to bury the Confederate dead gathered from surrounding battlefields and farms.
Two lots adjoining the city cemetery on the Kenmore Farm, became available at the cost of $1,200.00 and on October 24,1867 the land was purchased by Major Lacy, Col. C. M. Braxton and Dr. F P. Wellford on the behalf of the Ladies Memorial Association. Lots 18-19 D.B.U., pp.379-8c
As Decoration Day approached, (1867) the ladies from all denominations and city residence gathered along the west wall of the “City Cemetery.” It was there that they sodded each grave “nearly” 200 Confederate Soldiers that died and were buried early in the war along the west wall. Arrangements were also made to preserve to names and headboards to keep their memory alive. “A Leaf from The Past” by Vivian Minor Fleming
The brick walls that surround the Confederate cemetery consisted of bricks collected from the war-stricken buildings of Fredericksburg. John T. Knight the towns brick maker was given this task which was completed in 1868. “Fredericksburg Ledger 11 September 1868.”
“At the February 22, 1870 meeting, the City Cemetery Company appointed Edwin Carter to require the Ladies Memorial Association to either build a gate to the entrance of their grounds or replace the dividing wall to the condition in which they found it. The LMA elected to erect a gate and remove the inner wall separating both city and Confederate Cemeteries.” “United States Department of the Interior National Park Service Section 8, page 12.”
The gate was drawn by Mr. Benjamin Bowering and firm of Scott & Bowering. It was 25 feet long, main entrance gate 12 feet wide, the arch, upon which is the name of the cemetery is 15 feet high, and the 2 side gates 4 feet wide. The gate leads from Washington Avenue and Amelia Street into the Confederate Cemetery. “Freelance ledger Nov. 22, 1870.”
The gate was created out of cast iron by Scott & Bowering Foundry at the cost of $610.60. “Scott and Bowering Foundry Ledger, 1865-1870. Fredericksburg (Va.) Reel 101., Local government records collection, Fredericksburg (City) Court Records. The Library of Virginia, Richmond”
Efforts to raise the funds were a direct result of Major J. Horace Lacy, of Chatham and Ellwood, and the Cemetery was dedicated on the 4th Wednesday in May 1870. “Memorial Day program of 1870”
An ACT to Incorporate the Ladies Memorial Association of Fredericksburg was Approved April 1874, giving them total rights to the Confederate Cemetery property. “ACTS and JOINT RESOLUTIONS passed by the GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the STATE OF VIRGINIA at THE SESSION OF 1874 Richmond: R. F. Walker, Supt Public Printing 1874”
“Thursday June 1874: Upon arriving at the cemetery, the procession closed around the hallowed mound on which was intended the erection of a granite shaft, the corner stone of which was to be laid. The Masonic fraternity at once proceeded to this duty with interesting rendered a neat and feeling speech.
The corner stone, from the James River Quarry, is twenty-two inches long, seventeen inches wide, fifteen inches high with a cavity nine inches square and six inched deep. It bears the inscription
June 4th, A. L. 5874, A. D. 1874
Laid by
Fredericksburg, Lodge No. 4
F. & A. M.
Most Wor. WM. H. Lambert, G. M.
Of the Masons
Of Virginia, Presiding
“Deposited in the cornerstone were Gen. Robert E Lee’s farewell address, three Confederate flags, Confederate Army currency, copies of four Fredericksburg newspapers, rolls of Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4, Royal Arch Chapter No. 23, Officers of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, the Municipal Society. There were also deposited a Program of the day, silver coin by W. J. Moon Jr., the pay roll of Co. C., 30th Va. Regt. Confederate Bonds for $1000 and $500, a piece of the battle flag of the 8th Louisiana Regiment and coins of the present day.” “LMA Memorial Day program June 4th, 1874”
According to Vivian Minor Fleming, the unknown number of soldiers interred in the mass grave consist between 700 to 900 remains. “A Leaf from the Past” by Vivian Minor Fleming
The unveiling of the completed Monument to the Confederate Dead under the mound was dedicated at the Thursday June 9, 1881 Memorial Day Service. At the top in the center of the Monument was a large shell (now relocated on the center of the first roadway) made of Granite. “The Monument was built of native granite, quadrilateral in shape, the sides being about twelve feet in length at the base and the height about fifteen feet. About eight smaller squares representing and embattled tower rose several feet, and was topped by representation
of a mammoth shell. On the four sides of the vase were thirteen shields with the names of the States that composed the Southern Confederacy, while on the four faces of the tower were cut in relief a tower, a cannon, crossed rifles and crossed sabers. The four corners of the vase were garnished by columns of variegated Tennessee marble. It was handsome sub substantial and appropriate structure reflecting great credit on the Memorial Association and the Builder.” “Memorial Day program Thursday Jun 9, 1881.”
Wednesday June 10, 1891 between 4 and 5 thousand visitors from different parts of the State attended the Memorial Day exercises. This was the dedication date of the Sentinel. At last, the memorial was complete. “The statue is of bronze. Manufactured by the Monumental Bridge Company of Bridgeport, Connecticut. It was ordered and placed in position by Mr. George T. Downing of Fredericksburg. As the veil dropped, the crowd cheered, cannons fired and the band played “Maryland, my Maryland.” Memorial Day program Wednesday June 10, 1891”
Photograph: History of Fredericksburg, Quinn